Senior military medical practitioners will discuss challenges and areas of co-operation in the field of military medicine between Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) Member States here in Delhi during two days conference. The conference will be the first Military co-operation event hosted by India, under the SCO Defence Co-operation Plan 2019-2020. India became a SCO Member State in 2017.
According to a press release, the conference is going to be held on 12-13 September and it will be conducted by the Indian Armed Forces under the aegis of Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff (HQ IDS). Aim behind this conference is to share best practices in the field of military medicine, build capacities and overcome common challenges. During the conference, the Indian Armed Forces will also demonstrate the Rapid Action Medical Team and organise a visit for the delegates to the Army Research and Referral Hospital.
Deliberations will take place between military medicine experts of SCO Member States on rendering of combat medical support,humanitarian assistance during disasters and measures to improve patient safety. The SCO Member States will be represented by senior military medical practitioners. Dialogue Partners Nepal and Sri Lanka will also be sending their delegations to participate in the Conference.
The conference will be preceded by a meeting of the Heads of Delegations to discuss areas of co-operation in the field of military medicine between SCO Member States.