A Tri-Service contingent of the Indian Armed Forces comprising 75 all ranks, led by a colonel rank officer will participate in the Military Parade in Russia on 24th June , to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Victory of the Soviet People in the great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The Parade, to celebrate victory of Soviet Union over Nazi Germany , will be held at historic Red Square in Moscow.
Interestingly, Chinese troops are also participating in the military event which is also called Moscow Victory Day Parade. A total number of 20 foriegn countries are invited for the celebrations, this includes England , America and France as well.

According to Col Aman Anand, the spokesperson of Indian Army , the marching contingent taking part in the Victory Day Parade is led by a major rank officer of the gallant Sikh LI (SIKH LIGHT INFANTRY) regiment”. Sikh LI had fought with valour in the World War-II and has a proud distinction of earning four Battle Honours and two Military Cross amongst other gallantry awards.
According to history , as shared by Indian army , the British Indian Armed Forces during World War-II were one of the largest allied forces contingents which took part in the North and East African Campaign, Western Desert Campaign and the European Theatre against the Axis powers. These campaign witnessed sacrifice by over 87 thousand Indian servicemen beside 34,354 being wounded. The Indian Military not only fought on all fronts, but also ensured logistic support along the Southern, Trans-Iranian Lend-Lease route, along which weapons, ammunitions, equipment support and food went to the Soviet Union, Iran and Iraq.

The valour of the Indian soldiers was recognised with the award of over 4000 decorations, which also included the award of 18 Victoria and George Cross. In addition , the then Soviet Union appreciated the valour of the Indian Armed forces and by the decree of 23 May 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR signed by Mikhail Kalinin and Alexander Gorkin awarded the prestigious Orders of the Red Star to Subedar Narayan Rao Nikkam and Havildar Gajendra Singh Chand of Royal Indian Army Service Corps.