Presenting a tie to President of America

India visit of Bill Clinton. (Symbolic Pic)

A few decades ago US President was viewed by a majority of global residents as the first citizen of the world. We in India perceived him as a paramount personality of a potent nation. Visits of US Presidents were equally viewed as awe inspiring events by our opportunistic leaders, luxuriantly rich bigwigs and even the general perspiring public.

One such itinerary being the visit of Bill Clinton from 20th to 25th of March, 2000, twenty one long years after Jimmy Carter visited India during January 1979. Such a high profile visit certainly required meticulous planning for showcasing it as a memorable event in the history of nations. Our leadership left no stone upturned to transform it into lively pleasurable experience.

Prior to this visit, India-US security departments were engaged in lengthy deliberations. Introductory liaison among agencies took place in the plushy environment of prestigious Ashoka Hotel, situated in the high security diplomatic enclave. Being designated as chief of VVIP routes in the Indian capital, I was assigned to supervise road all movements of POTUS (President of The United States).

Sean, was my US counterpart. We jointly carried out reconnaissance of IGI airport, Presidential house,Vigyan bhawan, Parliament, Hyderabad house, Pragati maidain, Rajghat and Teenmurti house for minute strategic planning. We designated routes, decided parking arrangements, finalized printing of labels for motorcades for specific security denominations. RS Gupta, Special Commissioner of Police (security) summoned me at Delhi Police Head Quarters for concluding overall police arrangements, trustingly incorporating suggested changes for ensuring smooth vehicular movement.

On the 20th evening, right from landing of Air Force One (US President’s Aircraft ) at International airport to Maurya Sheraton hotel, ceremonial police arrangement were impeccable. Next evening Sean congratulated me for being selected as one of the half dozen police officers to be specially felicitated by US president. On hearing this breaking news my better half burst into an ecstatic jubilation. Post haste she purchased an elegant tie for making presentation to the honorable US President.

On 22nd of March at specified time we were lined in lobby of Maurya Sheraton for meeting Bill Clinton. Hats off to Sean for making several calls to US protocol officers, finally President himself gave green signal for acceptance of this small gift from a inconspicuous obscure police officer.

The jovial President brimming with abundance of chivalrous manliness arrived after having a hearty lunch. Bob Rolling, security chief briefed him about the vulnerable role of Delhi police for providing foolproof arrangements, several times mentioning my name. He warmly shook hands with the special invitees.

On my turn after shaking hands addressed, ” Mr President, I have a small gift for you”.

POTUS, “What is it”.

Myself, “A tie as token of respect”.

He gladly accepted the gift, we had another warm handshake.

Later US security chief humorously quipped, ” Due to my unprecedented intervention this present pleasant presentation became possible, by the way where is my tie”.

I straightforwardly reciprocated, “Awaiting collection at my nearby Teen Murti traffic lines office”. Squeezing some time out of his busy preoccupation, collected his prized trophy, an equally expensive gift wrapped tie.

Two days later while watching TV, my joy knew no bounds, Bill Clinton was wearing the familiar tie during the official sojourn at Hyderabad.

This small, yet commendable statesmanlike gesture of US President clearly spoke volumes about broad mindedness of his noteworthy democratic bearings.

( Author of the article Mr. HPS Virk is a retired Deputy Commissioner of Delhi Police)