First time Home Ministry inducts 27 JKPS officers in IPS

Jammu Kashmir Police headquarters ( file photo )
This is for the first time in the history of Jammu Kashmir Police Services ( JKPS)  that as  many as 28 police officers from  the state have been inducted in the Indian Police Service (IPS). However in the final list , issued by the   Ministry of Home Affairs , the name of an officer Anil Kumar Magotra was dropped on the ground that he has already superannuated therefore reducing the number to 27.

The names of  four JKPS officers have been dropped from the induction.  The reason – 3 are facing enquiries against them and one of them has shown  his unwillingness to join the cadre. Moreover , another officer  Ashok Kumar Badwal is going to retire today.

Selected officers have been alloted different batches as per the seniority and availability of vacancies. Ministry of Home Affairs ( MHA) orders says that the officers  will remain on probation for one year and obtain induction training as per IPS (Probation) Rules. Their  appointment will take effect from the date of issuance of MHA notification.The notification was issued on Friday.

After the split of Jammu Kashmir state in 2019, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh became two different Union territories and hence the officers belonging to state’s  police as well as administrative services were merged into the AGMUT cadre. Since then , it is the first time that Jammu Kashmir Police Services officers were alloted  IPS cadre in such a big number.

Initialy a total of 32 names of officers from JKPS  were cleared for induction into IPS in July this year at a meeting of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), MHA and Jammu and Kashmir Government.The MHA finally cleared 28 JKPS officers for induction into IPS. Later the MHA issued clarification about dropping Anil Kumar Magotra.

As per the list these 27 officers have been allotted AGMUT cadre:

Select list 2015 – Maqsood-ul-Zaman, Mubassir Latifi Ameer, Shiv Kumar, Rashmi Wazir, Rajeshwar Singh .

 Select list 2016 – Sandeep Wazir, Anita Sharma, Sameer Rekhi, Jatinder Singh Johar. Anil mangotras name was also mentioned in this .

 Select list 2017 –  Swarn Singh Kotwal, Zahid Nasim Manhas, Dr. Koshal Kumar Sharma, Ashok Kumar Badwal.

Select list 2018 – Showkat Ahmed Dar, Altaf Ahmed Shah, Bakar Samoon, Firdous Iqbal, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat, Ranjit Singh Samyal, Mohd. Yaseen Kichloo.

Select list 2019 –  Rajinder Kumar Gupta, Rajesh Kumar Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar Khajoria, Rajesh Bali.

Select list 2020 –  Sanjay Kumar, Mumtaz Ahmed and Mohd. Aslam in the year 2020.