Major Blaze and Captain Supreetha will be part of two different marching contingents. Major Blaze will join the general marching contingent while Captain Supreeta C T will join the Triservice women’s contingent.
Major Blaze , while speaking to reporters during the parade rehearsal here in New Delhi, sai that this is happening for the first time in the history of the Republic Day parade.
This is not happening in a planned manner between these two. There is only coincidence behind this interesting incident. Captain Supreetha said, “It is a coincidence. Initially, I gave the test for my selection in the parade and passed. Then my husband also got selected from his regiment.”
Both , Jerry Blaize and Supreetha C T , were alsonpart of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) during college days. Interestingly, Supreetha had also participated in the Republic Day parade in 2016 as part of the NCC contingent and before that, Jerry Blaze had participated in the parade in 2014.
Major Blaze said, “That was one of the motivating factors for me to lead my regiment and make my regiment proud.”
Captain Supreetha is from Mysore, Karnataka and graduated in law from JSS Law College in the city. Major Blaze belongs to Wellington (Tamil Nadu). He graduated from Jain University, Bengaluru. Both currently live in Delhi. Although both are from different regiments and participate separately in practice.
Captain Supreetha said, “My husband is from Madras Regiment and I am part of the Military police.”
Captain Supreetha said, “We are posted at different places and it is such an opportunity that both of us are getting a chance to spend time together for these two months in New Delhi. It is a matter of great pride for both of us.” The moment is that we are here with our respective contingents. They told that their families are happy and will come to attend the Republic Day ceremony.