Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrated in a unique way with environment protection campaign

Environment protection campaign workshop
Rakshak World Foundation involved the rural children of Uttarakhand in a unique way in its environment protection awareness campaign on the occasion of Prakash Divas of Guru Nanak Dev, who gave the great message of ‘Pavan Guru Pani Pita Mata Dhart Mahat’ to the world explaining the importance of environment. During the program  a workshop was organized with school children, children also took  pledge for sustainability  and a painting competition was organized on a topic related to environmental protection.

The people and children of Dutkanedhar, a small village in Ramgarh block of Nainital district, not only attended it but also participated enthusiastically in the event. The event witnessed a special moment when a group of children was also announced to free the village from non-organic waste. The idea of forming such a group was given by Maya Lodhiyal, a student of Ramgarh Degree College, who took  res ponsible for organizing the event.

Bhumika Nayal’s painting was selected as the best among the paintings made on the subject of environmental awareness.

Sanjay Vohra, the  President of Rakshak World Foundation, while throwing light on the life of Guru Nanak Dev, told the children in detail about his teachings regarding environmental protection. These children included students from class 1 to 12. During  the workshop, they were informed about the dangers of non-organic waste and the negative impact of climate change on the earth and all living beings including humans. The participants made paintings and drawings to express their understanding on this subject.

To prevent the spread of organic waste like polythene, empty packets of chips and snacks, empty wrappers of toffees and chocolates, etc., the children were taught to make eco bricks from empty water bottles. Each participant took a pledge that he/she  would initiate such an activity which could contribute to environmental protection. The students who made the best drawings were awarded. The drawing made by Bhumika Nayal, a student of class XII, was selected for the first place. Gifts were given to all the children who came to the program. Neeta Vohra from Nathuwakhan, Kanchan and Rajni Lodhiyal from Dutkanedhar co-organized the program. The program was held in the premises of Government Primary School of Dutkanedhar village.