Utkrisht Seva Padak and 160 Ati Utkrisht Seva Padak for Delhi Police personnel

पदक पाने वाले दिल्ली पुलिस के राजेश खुराना, देवेश श्रीवास्तव, पुलिस उपायुक्त भीष्म सिंह.

Delhi Police Commissioner S.N. Shrivastava has awarded 230 police officers and other ranks with Utkrisht Seva Padak (USP) and 160 officers and other ranks with Ati Utkrisht Seva Padak ( AUSP). List of awardees for Utkrisht Seva Padak  include the names of Special Commissioner  (Intelligence) Rajesh Khurana , Joint Commissioner (Southern Range ) Devesh Shrivastava and DCPs Bisham Singh, M A Rizvi and  Rajeev Ranjan. While Additional Commissioner (Special Branch)  Dr. Ajit Singla, and ACP ( Dwarka Sub Division )  Rajender Singh are among the officer who have been  been awarded Ati Utkrisht Seva Padak.

According to press release , this year’s awardees for Utkrisht Seva Padak include  34 Inspectors, 16 – Sub Inspectors, 25 – Assistant Sub Inspectors, 100 Head Constables and 50 Constables. List of awardees selected for Ati Utkrisht Seva Padak include names of 26 Inspectors , 24 Sub Inspectors, 31 Assistant Sun Inspectors,  65 Head Constables and 12 Constables.

Ministry of Home Affairs , in 2018 , has instituted  medals namely Utkrisht Seva Padak and  Ati Utkrisht Seva Padak  for the police personnel, who have completed 15 years and  25 years  respectively of service. Motive behind this initiative is to promote professionalism and excellence among police forces. Personnel with service of 15 years are eligible for the Utkrisht Seva Padak, while those with clean record of 25 years of service will be eligible for Ati Utkrisht Seva Padak.

According to press relaese of Delhi Police , special weightage is given on SMART policing parameters. These awards cover officials from all ranks for both the categories and their names are finalised by a Committee constituted for each rank.