This is a true anecdote from the compound of the Supreme court of India.
Saturday being free from all regular judicial proceedings was reserved for inspections of court premises and miscellaneous jobs. Every Saturday Chief Justice of India, Judges plus other senior officials carried out a detailed inspection of the court compound.
During one of such inspections, CJI expressed his contemptuous displeasure at a gardener of the horticulture department of CPWD, “You have miserably failed to maintain these manicured rose beds as per the grandeur of this apex court”.
The gardener unhesitatingly replied, “Since I am not under your direct command, please take pains to complain to my seniors regarding shortcomings of my performance”.
CJI shot back point blank”, Look if we make a written complaint to your superiors your job can be in a serious jeopardy. ”
Gardner, ” I am putting my best concerted efforts for doing my job diligently, in case my superiors are displeased with my performance they will transfer me to some other insignificant garden of New Delhi “.
Adding further, ” My job is not subject to any promotion or demotion”.
At this juncture highly speculative CJI, thought it prudent to beat a hasty retreat, rather than locking horns with a ‘wrong person’.Thereafter proceeding ahead for the remaining inspection of SCI lawns and buildings.
Thus his learned majestic lordship, one of the highest legal luminaries of the land, wisely withdrew from engaging in a tussle with a simple straightforward layman of the land. This interesting episode enlightens us, always avoiding entering into a frivolous argument with a down to earth human being.
( Note: Author of the article is former Deputy Commissioner of Delhi Police . He was also posted as incharge of Supreme Court Security)