Delhi Police Commissioner Amulaya Patnaik said that everyday policemen make sacrifices for safety and security of people, but sometimes they make the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. ‘Everyday we fight crime, today we fight our tears’ Shri Patnaik added.
Police Commissioner was addressing the gathering over a programme ‘EK SHAAM POLICE SHAHEEDON KE NAAM’, a musical evening, organized by South East district today at Lotus Temple Auditorium.
The event was marked as a tribute to Delhi Police Martyrs, on the eve of Commemoration Day. Commissioner Amulya Patnaik felicitated family members of the 13 police personnel, who sacrificed their lives last year were also present.
Family members of Police Family Welfare Society rendered patriotic songs on the occasion. Special Commissioner RP Upadhyaya, Sandeep Goel and Joint Commissioner Devesh Srivastava, Ajay Chaudhary, Madhup Tiwari and other senior officers of Delhi Police were also present.