Unbeatable 100 year old Captain Tom Moore


A hundred year old Captain Tom Moore seems to be the only former British officer who has received an overwhelming response to his call for fund raising efforts. Captain Tom Moore has raised more than 37m pounds for the National Health Service by walking 100 lengths of his back garden. In fact, World War II veteran too was surprised by the public response to his call for fundraising as he wanted to raise 1000 pounds only.Instead he raised  more than 37 million British pounds on his 100th birthday on April 30, despite the global lockdown due to Coronavirus. He has received over 150,000 cards, and was appointed as honorary colonel of the Army Foundation College.

Captain Tom Moore

From Captain Tom to Colonel Tom:
Interestingly former British officer known for his achievements by raising money for charity in the run up to his 100th birthday, was appointed as honorary colonel of the Army Foundation College in Harrogate in recognition of his contribution. Chief of the General Staff General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith said that Captain Moore was an inspiration for both old and new generation of soldiers.

Captain Tom Moore

Moore’s India connection:

Born on April 30 1920 in England’s West Riding of Yorkshire, Tom Moore’s real name was Thomson Moore. His father , Wilfred, was a builder. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant on 28 June 1941 and took part in the second World War. Awarded with Pride of Britain and Yorkshite Regimental Medal, He was posted in India and served in Arakan in western Burma (now Myanmar) . He was posted in Bombay (now Mumbai) and Calcutta (now Kolkata). His tenure in the army lasted for seven years only. Later he became Managing Director of Company manufacturing concrete.

Captain Tom Moore’s birthday was celebrated like this.

How he started:

Moore, known for his passion for Motor cycle race and daring attitude, the centenarian started a fundraiser on April 8 and decided to raise £1,000 ($1,245 US dollars) for NHS Charities Together. He completed the challenge after walking 10 laps of his garden each day and raised more than £29 million ($36.1 million). His gesture won the hearts of millions of people who responded to his call and made huge donations.

Honour and Popularity:

Army promoted him to honorary colonel. The Royal Air Force flew over the 100-year-old’s house. He has made it to the Guinness World Record title for raising money through a walk.UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres wished him on his birthday on a video call. A GWR train has been named after Captain Tom.The Royal Mail honoured has applied to all stamped post between April 26 and May 1, which reads: ‘Happy 100th Birthday Captain Thomas Moore NHS fundraising hero 30th April 2020.’His local postbox had been repainted in the colours of the NHS.

Health Issues:

The most surprising is that Captain moore demonstrated his commitment to health services at the age of 100 when he himself has many health issues. He had got treatment for skin cancer two years ago. One of his arms was fractured and also he went for knee replacement surgery.