Seventh edition of Military literature festival begins in Chandigarh

Weapons' exhibition in MLF 2023

The first day of the Military Literature Festival 2023 witnessed engrossing discussions on various important topics including Military, Strategic, and Diplomatic lessons to be learnt by India from the conflict in Ukraine . The strategy India should follow to deal with a declining Pakistan and a Taliban bent upon expansion was also an important topic discussed during the 7th edition of the MLF organised in the backdrop of Sukhna lake in the City Beautiful Chandigarh .

General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Western Command of Indian Army Lieutenant General Manoj Kumar Katiyar praised the organisers for putting efforts in organising the festival. Lt. Gen. Katiyar said that concerted efforts like these will be instrumental in inspiring the youngsters towards serving the motherland by joining the Armed Forces.

Panel Discussion in MLF 2023

General officer  lauded MLF for appreciating the sacrifice of brave men who have scarified their all in service of the nation, and said the festival , which has entered the eighth year now, would go a long way in imbuing youth with the spirit of patriotism and nationalism and motivating them to join the defence forces.

Lt. Gen.  Katiyar also urged the media to support the festival and help spread its message of bravery among the masses, especially the children. This would be yet another direction in service of our great country. It was a matter of great pride and satisfaction that the Festival has successfully achieved its hallowed aim of offering a peep to the youth into the life of a defence personnel.
Motivating students to join armed forces.

Started in 2017 , Military Literature Festival is a joint initiative of the Punjab Government, Chandigarh Administration and Western Command Headquarters at Chandimandir. This is an  annual affair which offers youngsters aspiring to join the defence forces a peep into the discipline of Military life, besides laying an engrossing platform for discussions on issues of national, international and geo-political significance.

Extending his wishes , for organising the festival , former Home Secretary NN Vohra said,  “Discussions on varied national security challenges, and how the arising problems need to be tackled, can no longer be confined to the conference rooms of the North and South Blocks in New Delhi. It is necessary that every citizen of our country is made adequately aware of the serious threats confronting our country, internally and externally. It is equally important to ensure that every necessary initiative is taken to engender an environment of strong national fervour that enthuses our people to get involved in safeguarding the unity and integrity of the country.”

As usual, exhibition of weaponry, ammunition and various vehicles and equipment witnessed the huge footfall. Students of various schools visited in big groups. They were briefed by experienced officers of the Army  and motivated  to join armed forces.

Martial Poetry :
The last session of the day continued to draw a large audience with acclaimed Punjabi writer and poet Surjit Patar enthralling the hall with his wisdom and deep understanding of Punjab’s Martial Poetry.
On Sunday : 
The second and final day of the MLF 2023 promises to be equally engrossing with discussions on Israel-Hamas War, and its diplomatic and military lessons for India, The Lahore Darbar and its gift of the North West Frontier Kashmir, Baltistan and Ladakh to India.