Sharing a tweet from Meghna Girish’s handle @megirish2001 :
‘Babloo’ and ‘Robin’ grew up in Air Force and Army campuses where their fathers served…. and they too chose to earn the uniform
As part of 2 Raj Rif in Kargil War, Major Padmapani Acharya MVC and Capt Vijayant Thapar VrC fought many battles together
After their units biggest victory on Tololing top on 12/13 June, once again, they had tough tasks ahead
They wrote their last letters home…..
Padmapani wrote to his papa, ‘Tell manam (mother) that combat is an honour of a lifetime… Tell a story a day of the Mahabharata to Charu (pregnant wife) so that your grandchild imbibes good values’
Vijayant wrote to his family ‘ By the time you get this letter, I will be observing you all from the sky… If you can, please come and see where the Indian Army fought for your tomorrow’
Can anyone imagine what it takes for young soldier leaders to knowingly motivate their men for victory against all odds… and courageously sacrifice their lives…?
Both Bravehearts did so on 28th/29th June 1999 assaulting and recapturing features in Knoll.
In saluting our real heroes, please think of their families. Never Forget our #FreedomIsNotFree
Know about Meghna Girish :
Meghna Girish is the brave mother of Major Akshay Girish, who inspires many with the way she has coped with her grief and worked to keep his legacy alive. Major Akshay made the supreme sacrifice while protecting many lives and property during the Nagrota attack on November 29th, 2016. This family – Meghna, her husband Girish, daughter-in-law Sangeeta, daughter Neha and Pradish – founded the Major Akshay Girish Memorial Trust which aims to promote nationalism and service to the motherland.