Lieutenant Mohit Gupta, a young officer of the Indian Army, has been missing for three days. Mohit Gupta was on training at The Infantry School located in Mhow in Madhya Pradesh. Lieutenant Mohit Gupta is a resident of Etah district of Uttar Pradesh. He was last seen on Friday morning in the army complex located in the military town Mau.
Mhow has a very popular and important army premises with two big institutions Army War College and Infantry School at a distance of about 25 kilometers from Indore city in Madhya Pradesh. There would hardly be any officer of the Indian Army who has not visited this prestigious complexes during his career. Equipped with various types of military training and facilities, this is a great centre for research for future and defense strategy.
More than five decades old, it is a city in itself. Any trained officer has to take permission from the concerned authorities to go out of here, but since the morning of 6th October, the officers here have no news about Lieutenant Mohit Gupta. His missing information has been lodged at Mhow police station.

Lieutenant Mohit Gupta had recently received commission in the army. He had come to the Infantry School of Mhow for the Young Officers Course which is mandatory to complete. Like other days, on Friday also he was supposed to be present for PT period at 6 am but Lieutenant Mohit Gupta did not come. On searching he could not be found even in his room. His phone was also switched off. Lieutenant Mohit’s motorcycle was also found parked at the same place where he used to park earlier. For about one and a half hours, the army at its level kept searching for him at all the possible places in the campus but no further information was found related to the disappearance of Lieutenant Mohit. After this the matter was handed over to the police personnel of Mhow police station.
Being extremely sensitive, these defence institutes are not only out of reach of the common man but it is not possible for the people living inside to come out secretly. However, for those living inside, there are all the resources available there which we need in everyday life. Still, if officers have to go out for emergency then there are rules and regulations and some restrictions too. To go out they also have to take an out pass. Lieutenant Mohit neither took an out pass nor took permission from the concerned officer.
Police officials said that to trace Lieutenant Mohit, his relatives and other acquaintances are being contacted.