Large scale transfers of police officers in Rajasthan

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The Rajasthan Police has now started large-scale transfers of officers who have been at the same place for three years or more . The Home Department released the list of transfers of RPS officers late night. In this list, 98 police officers of the rank of Additional SP have been moved from here to there. Some have been appointed on vacant posts and some have been given additional responsibilities. It is being speculated that after this list, another list may come soon.

On the late night of Wednesday, July 12, the Home Department of Rajasthan transferred 98 Additional SP level officers. Instructions have been given to these officers to take charge of the new post after being relieved immediately.

Interestingly , there are some officers of Rajasthan Police in this list who had been working on the same post for more than four years. The important thing is that the government did not let them go to far areas  even in this list.

In these transfers of Rajasthan Police, the districts of about 10 percent officers have been changed and 90 percent have been adjusted here and there so that the instructions of the Election Commission are implemented formally or technically.

Last month, the Central Election Commission had issued instructions to transfer the officers, posted at the same place  for a longer time. After this, the State Election Commission of Rajasthan also instructed the Chief Secretary to take action in this regard. The Chief Secretary issued instructions to all the departments to transfer the officers sitting in the same seat for a long time before July 31.