BBA in Security Management, an initiative by SSSDC and CAPSI

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Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) and Security Sector Skill Development Council (SSSDC) embarked upon a pioneer project to create a pool of “Second Generation Officers” in the Private Security Sector. This concept, never before attempted by any organisation is unique where-in wards of Security guards and supervisors be privileged to obtain a graduates degree as Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Security Management from a UGC recognised University. The Course will transform the entire Private Security Sector and become a source of motivation for these personnel who would then see a social and financial upliftment of their families.

In order to achieve this, a tie up has been effected with Noida International University (NIU) to commence a three year degree course in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Security Management. The course will be conducted by NIU located at Greater Noida. The course will be recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Noida International University (NIU) is offering an array of accredited courses and BBA in Security Management is the latest one.

The course curriculum has been designed by a team of experts from the Private Security domain under the guidance of the Chairman. There is a fine balance between security subjects and management subjects. Current aspects related to the Industry will be covered thread bare during the course. Final Semester has been specifically designed for Industry affiliation so that the candidate is exposed to the functioning of an Agency in order to gain the experience of “On The Job Training”. On completion of the course the students would be ready to be inducted as an Officer in any Private Security Agency.

Colonel (retired) Rajive Kohli, consultant with SSSDC, says that if children of guards or supervisor are interested in joining the course than SSSDC
is willing to ease his initial financial burden by contributing 50% of the Course Fee of the First Semester. SSSDC has communicated this to many private companies and corporate sector about the course and financial assistance by SSSDC .

” We have requested to different organasations that if they have Supervisors/Guards whose children have cleared Std XII and are on the verge of deciding which stream of profession they should follow. In case he decides to emulate his father in our noble profession, this is a great opportunity that is available to him” said Col Kohli. SSSDC has also appealed to corporate sector to utilise their CSR Funds in this cause and contribute at least 25% of the fee.

According to Col. Kohli, CAPSI will further assist the individual to obtain necessary loan for his child. Once the student successfully graduates from the University, that Company will have the right to employ him. This in turn will ensure total dedication and loyalty of the individual towards the Company for perpetuity.