Constable Poonam Billore walked two km on rail track lifting injured man

पूनम बिल्लोरे
कांस्टेबल पूनम बिल्लोरे.

A video has gone viral in social media from Madhya Pradesh’s Hoshangabad district about a police constable lifting a young man lying injured near the railway track. Police constable Poonam Billore rushed injured train passenger to hospital for the medical treatment. Bravo Poonam Billore showed courage and alacrity in rushing the injured to hospital due to which his life could be saved.

What did poonam do?

After seeing an injured man on the railway track, Poonam lifted him on his shoulder with the help of a passerby and walked for nearly kilometre towards the police jeep. After receiving a call about the train passenger lying injured near the railway track, the police tried to send an ambulance to the spot but could not due to the bad road.

Shivpuri police station incharge Sunil Patel said that Ajit Kumar , aged between 25 and 30 years, hails from Bhadohi district. According to doctors attending on him, said that Ajit is stable. Timely treatment has saved his life.

पूनम बिल्लोरे
Constable Poonam Billore reached near the injured at rail track
पूनम बिल्लोरे
Constable lifted injured
पूनम बिल्लोरे
Poonam Billore ran on the rail track with injured on his shoulder

The incident happened in Sivni Malva’s peeplegaon. The police received a call about young lying on the gate number 215 and constable Poonam rushed to the spot along with driver Rahul Saakle.Both reached the railway crossing but left the vehicle due to bad road.

The video shows that Poonam had smartly handled the situation with sensitivity and lifted Ajit on his shoulder with the help of a passerby. He then walked on the track for nearly two kilometres to reach the crossing where his driver Rahul was waiting.Poonam took him to the hospital.