Rear Adm Tarun Sobti is new Flag Officer of Eastern Naval Command


Rear Admiral Tarun Sobti, VSM took over as Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet in Vishakhapatnam on Tuesday. He took over the command from Rear Admiral Sanjay Vatsayan, AVSM, NM at an impressive ceremony held at naval base.

Commissioned into the Indian Navy on 1 July 1988, Rear Admiral Tarun Sobti is a specialist in Navigation and Direction. He is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Collège Interarmées de Défense, Paris, France and College of Naval Warfare, Mumbai.

In a long career of 32 years, Rear Adminral Sobti served as Navigating Officer of INS Kirpan, commissioning Navigating Officer of INS Mysore, Direction Officer on INS Viraat and Executive Officer of missile destroyer INS Delhi. His sea commands include those of missile vessel INS Nishank, missile corvette INS Kora and missile destroyer INS Kolkata of which he was the commissioning Commanding Officer.

His prestigious staff and operational appointments include those as Joint Director of Staff Requirements and Joint Director of Personnel at Naval Headquarters and Captain Work-Up at Local Work-Up Team (East). He also served as the Naval Attaché at Embassy of India, Moscow. Prior assuming command of the Eastern Fleet, the Flag Officer was Deputy Commandant and Chief Instructor of Indian Navy’s premier officer training establishment Indian Naval Academy at Ezhimala.

Over the past 12 months, the Eastern Fleet under the command of Rear Admiral Sanjay Vatsayan has maintained high level of combat readiness and undertaken various operational missions including Operation Samudra Setu towards repatriation of Indian citizens, Mission SAGAR providing Humanitarian Assistance to friendly foreign countries and Malabar 20. His tenure also saw the commissioning of INS Kavaratti, the indigenously built P28 class ASW corvette. He would be taking over as the Deputy Commandant of the prestigious tri-services institution National Defence Academy at Khadakvasla, Pune shortly.